Best Motion

My best work in Motion & Animation

Reversed Triangle

Cinefuse: QEWs

Social video showing what a QEW is.

Daft Punk: Reception

Despite the scarce resources, the client voiced that they were very satisfied with how the look-and-feel of the campaign was captured.

Coca-Cola University

Created to be used within their workshops and training courses. Their requests was to leave all of the content areas blank for them to populate.

Nero Scribing

Nero: Scribing

Keyframe animation of their logo.

JTCE: Teeth-Rex

728x90 to 728x270 Leaderboard expandable.

JTCE: Tandem

Separated ads that are in sync with one another.

Semi-Pro: Bear Wrestling

160x600 to 300x600 Skyscraper expandable.

Semi-Pro: Love Me Sexy

300x250 to 600x250 Bigbox expandable.


The challenge was to create an animated effect over an existing video (done by someone else). I did the white swooshes, animating each keyframe by hand.

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